Zero Grazing Feedlot

In furtherance of Bambi’s commitment to Sustainable farming the company has invested significant resources in building capacities with a view to obtaining requisite skills in dealing with environment and associated impact of environmental degradation and health.
This is informed by the fact that Environmental issues are permanent to livestock production. It is a widespread view that cattle farming is one of the largest contributor to greenhouse gasses therefore a major climate change cause. The company therefore appreciates that partaking in the business require prerequisite skills and knowledge of dealing with environmental issues both as contribution and recipient of climate challenges.
The company is over the medium term investing in livestock beef and dairy production that takes cognizance of environment factors in resolving the balance of two demands for animal food product and crop livestock production.

Elements of Bambi’s livestock beef and dairy production are as follows:

- Reduction in water usage through efficient irrigation methods for grasses crops use in animal feeds.
- Improvement in waste management and use it for crop fertilization.
- Efficient feeding through production of high quality easily digestible, high-energy diet, as feed to the livestock using hydroponics.
- Imbibe biogas production that utilizes manure for electricity production in farm/gas for cooking.